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Compulsory Purchase Compensation for Disturbance and Home Loss Payments

Compulsory purchase compensation claims for disturbance costs arising from having to move and home loss payments

 Compulsory Purchase Compensation for Disturbance and Home Loss Payments

As experienced compulsory purchase compensation claims experts, we are able to deal with your compensation claim for disturbance and home loss. A brief outline of disturbance compensation and home loss payments is set out below.

  • Compulsory purchase compensation claims for disturbance and home loss payments are paid to occupiers of property that is acquired by compulsory purchase.
  • Disturbance payments are to cover any costs incurred as a result of having to move from the property. Claimants are under a duty to mitigate all costs incurred.

For most compulsory purchase claims including disturbance or home loss payments our fees will be reimbursed by the acquiring authority in addition to any other compensation paid.
If you are affected by compulsory purchase of your land or property resulting in disturbance or home loss, contact us for a free initial discussion.

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